Utah Fantasy Book Author

Utah Fantasy Book Author

Daniel Duffield

About Me

People often ask me how I became a Utah fantasy book author. To answer this question I proceed to give them a background of who I am and where I came from. My first written story was when I was a junior in high school. I was taking a writing class from a young teacher named Patricia Pohl, but we called her Miss Pohl. She was a strict teacher that graded very hard and it was one of the few classes that I had to work extra hard at to get a good grade. Of all the writing that I did in her class, there is one story that stands out, a story that surprised even my teacher.

When all the students were seated in their seats and the class was about to begin, Miss Pohl set a small troll doll on her desk. Her instructions were simple. She told us to write a short story about the doll. I sat there for a few moments and then suddenly had an idea. From that moment on I frantically wrote with paper and pencil to capture my story. I finished just as the bell rang to end the class period.

The next day when we assembled in Miss Pohl’s class again I could see a big smile on the teachers face as she held a paper in her hand. She told the class that she had to read this wonderful story of “The Bus Troll” and then proceeded to read it to the class. She never revealed who wrote the story as was her policy, but she called me up after class to talk to me. She told me that I had an imagination and could write. “Maybe, you should consider becoming an author someday.” She told me. Those words haunted me through the years. I knew I had to write books someday and so I did.

My Books

I have self-published six books on Amazon. My first self-published book is “The Gate to the Timeless Mountain”.  It is a western science fiction story of three high school boys in southern Utah that encountered an alien craft and go on some wild, other worldly adventures. Next I wrote a trilogy of historical fiction/fantasy books on ancient Ireland.  They are about ancient high kings of Ireland that ruled in the fourth and fifth centuries of the current era.  The first in this series is titled “Niall and the Irish Pirates” and is based on the legends associated with an ancient high king of Ireland called Niall of the Nine Hostages.  The sequel is titled “Sons of Niall: The Rise of Christianity in Ireland”. The third book in the series is titled “Fergus the Great: King of the Scot’s”.  My most recent published books are a science fiction series.  The first in the series is titled “Anamchara and the Force of Ahaon:  The Prophet Arrives”  and the second is “Anamchara:  The Power Broken”.  The third book in the series is “Anamchara:  The Realm of Orbs”.  You can also visit my blog to sample my other writings and publications.